Digital Humanities Prototypes From sparks to sandboxes.

Last Update: October 27, 2017

A few of the projects on the page below (or recently removed from this page) are currently down for repairs. You can learn more about my DH work my visiting my blog.

Last Update: October 27, 2017

Javascript Timeline

As part of an ongoing project to experiment with DH tools, I took Northwestern University's Knight Lab's Timeline JS for a test drive. It took around 15 minutes to follow the incredibly straightforward directions to launch the app. I was so pleased with the results, that I'm working on a few versions that are less sarcastic in their content.

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Last Update: October 27, 2017

Mapping Tourism in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

This is a prototype for a large-scale project that will eventually run off of GIS software. The goal is to map luggage labels, travel posters, and, eventually, travel literature related to cities, hotels, modes of transport, etc. This project will serve as a digital component to the final chapter of my dissertation. This project will definitely require multiple collaborators and possibly crowd sourcing; if you're interested in getting involved, Contact Me.

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Last Update: October 2017

Mapping Movement in Mrs. Dalloway

I made this map to teach Mrs. Dalloway, to give students unfamiliar with London, let alone London of the 1920s, a feel for how central the city is to the novel. Mrs. Dalloway is as much about the life of London as it is about any other character, and we learn so much about Clarissa Dalloway, Peter Walsh, and the Smiths because of how they move through London. The functionality of GoogleMaps has changed quite a bit since I first made it, so some parts no longer function. This one just needs some work to make it easier to navigate and more aesthetically pleasing. Without fail, students have always responded really positively to experiencing the novel in a more dynamic way.

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Last Update: October 27, 2017

DOWN FOR REPAIRS: An Interactive Mornings in Florence

This project currently has some glitches. This is part of my Dissertation Project. It's not quite ready to officially add to the page, but it's well on its way. Expect a blog post on this soon.